Sunday, September 9, 2012


I am having trouble coming up with a catchy title for this blog post today. I want to write about how sometimes you have to go with your gut instincts and trust people even though there are tons of stories of why you shouldn't

I am part of a message board, and I have met a few ladies from that board. They have all been as incredibly amazing as I thought that they would be. These women have been through so much, and still find a way to carry on. They are so completely inspiring, yet you will never know their stories. No newspaper will interview them, no one will ever put them on a highlight reel and proclaim to the world that this is what strength looks like and Gatorade won't sponsor them and talk about their endurance. I often wonder what would happen if you took the cameras off of the rich and the famous and turn them inward. Would the world be a better place? Would we appreciate more instead of wanting more? Would we start to recognize and congratulate ourselves on our everyday accomplishments? Making note of the small miracles that happen on a daily basis.

To me, a woman who gets out of bed in the morning after experiencing a devastating loss is more inspirational and moving than an athlete who trains year round winning the big game. I don't care what drama the Kardashians or the cast of the Jersey Shore are involved in, I care about real people with real struggle and real lives. Sometimes, I really can't understand how life doesn't come crashing to a stop. How are we able to pick up and just keep going? To me, everyday you go on about your life is a complete and total miracle. I don't know if I could.

Today I got to spend some real face time with a couple of these amazing women, and I had a great time. I laughed until my cheeks hurt, I almost had cole slaw come out of my nose. I was accused of being a creepy old man in the corner (don't worry, I'm not) and I genuinely enjoyed my day being surrounded by nothing but honesty and trust and love.

As I had to leave them and head in to work I felt a longing in my soul. A longing to take away their pain for them. To take it unto myself so that they could find peace. The masses may never know about these amazing women, but I do, and I am forever changed by the strength they possess.


  1. Love, love, love this. I have to say though while you might not be the creepy old man in the corner you are the Wilmington hotel hallway creeper. = )

    1. This is the second time today that I had to defend myself on this. I did not creep the hallways, although, I may have creeped in the common room!

  2. <3

    This was very touching.
