Friday, April 4, 2014

Just a joke?

ISo as April Fools day has come and gone I have a very bitter taste in my mouth. I am sure you have all seen the picture of the baby talking about how posting a fake pregnancy announcement can hurt others dealing with the pain of infertility. If you haven't, I am attaching it in this post. 

I love this. I love the message behind it, but it appears as though I am in the minority. So many people are saying the people posting this need to suck it up and stop being so sensitive, but where is the line between too sensitive and in need of compassion? 

April Fools day never did anything for me.  I think it's pretty stupid, but hey whatever floats your boat. I don't think fake pregnancy announcements are funny, though. I think they can be hurtful and mean. Most people dealing with infertility are not "out" about it, and it's giant outcries like the ones I read all over social media about sucking it up and the like that make people scared to vocalize their stories. 

When has a joke gone too far? When it impedes someone from healing, venting or takes away someone's safe haven. Infertility is something that is still extremely taboo and brushed under the rug. Many women who I know struggle still hide it from their families and friends. Why? Because by opening up about it, you are inviting people in to your intimate life. The relationship you have with your husband is now not only a public topic of discussion with you and your many doctors and nurses it is now open to everyone. Everyone is invited in to your bedroom. 

I guess it's funny to have your Boyfriend, husband, friend with benefits scared for a bit that you are carrying another human life, but I don't think joking about being a life support for someone else is all that amusing. Maybe I'm too sensitive, but I would rather respect the feelings of my very deaf friends and be called a prude than potentially do more damage to someone I care very deeply about. 

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