So this cycle I have decided to chart again for the first time in about a year. For those of you reading who do not know what this means, it is when a woman takes her temperature at the same time every day to pinpoint ovulation. I will not gross you out with the other things that you can monitor because you don't need to know that, but this is a method that women have been using for quite some time to try and get pregnant.
So I have been staring at my chart for hours. Nothing has changed, it isn't going to tell me anything at thins point anyways, so I don't know why I have been, but I am going nuts analyzing, googling, clicking... I have issues. They say ignorance is bliss, I never agreed with them, but maybe they are right. Who are they anyways?
So, I'm charting, peeing on sticks, being monitored by the doctor, and making sure I have all of this information available to me, and it is driving me bananas. I should just stop, but I have all of these resources at my disposal, why not use them. Right? I just don't know. I do know I won't stop, so there is no point in even talking it out. I am just so sick of being in this place.
Sometimes I wish that it were just as easy for me as it was for any girl ever on MTV. I wish I didn't have to know all of this stuff about how cycles work and hormone levels and blah blah blah. I am glad I know all of this stuff, but I hate the reasons behind knowing it. Science is wonderful and knowledge is great, but sometimes I wish I weren't so smart.
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