Sunday, October 7, 2012


We live in a society that is full of judgement. Too fat, too skinny, too rich, too poor, too much makeup, needs more makeup, overrated, underrated, old as dirt, naive, crazy, fake and so on and so forth. Why is it up to us to decide what is right? What is right for us and what is right for others is not the same.

I had a saying when I worked in the school that fair doesn't mean everyone gets the same things, fair is everyone getting what they need. I wish that more people took on this motto. Calling someone out on what they have or their appearance won't make you feel any better about your situation. Now, life may not always be fair, but it isn't meant to be. I think life would be a little bit easier to get through if people would just stop being total assholes and have some compassion and empathy.

Hating someone isn't going to bring more love in to your life.

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