Saturday, March 23, 2013


I think in a world as big as  ours it is very easy to get lost. Lost on the road, lost from each other, lost from ourselves. I have been feeling exceptionally lost lately. Torn in a thousand different directions, and not knowing where my true north lies. Where have my outlets gone? Where have I disappeared to?

I know that I get in to these funks often, but this one has been very consuming. I feel as though I have misplaced my identity and I am not sure where to find, or if I want to find it at all. What truly defines a person? How other people see them? Or is it the grand decisions in life?

I watch people walk by me all day, consumed with their worries and stresses and they never seem to question the schedule or pattern that they keep. Is this life? Finding a routine and sticking with it? Never questioning why, never stepping to the side to feel the sun brush their faces. I don't want to live my life that way! I want to discover everywhere and everything. I don't ever want to become complacent with my position.

I don't think people settle when they choose their life, I believe they settle when they forget that they wanted to live. We all get lost, some just stay lost. I refuse to let that happen to me. I refuse to have some substandard life because I am too bored and settled in to look for adventures anymore. I still have dreams to accomplish, and trails that need to be discovered. I was always told I never lived up to my potential, but maybe that is the attitude that kept me down? There is still so much I can do, and watch out, because I am making plans to do those things. Lost or not, I am on a mission to discover, not just myself, but everything life has in store for me.

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