Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Notebook

No, not the Nicholas Sparks book. As many of you know who read my blog I am a member of an online community that women can air their frustrations about trying to get pregnant, or ask questions about different methods of charting or just ask questions about different things that they have heard work or don't work. It is so much more than that. You start off by asking questions, and then you begin to develop relationships with these women.

 Then you post on non- pregnant related posts, and you start joking and laughing and really getting to know these incredible women. You support them when they hit a low point, and you celebrate with them when they hit a high point. You laugh at their jokes, admire their creativity, bond over experiences, and get the same support back. I never thought that I would ever be a person who would develop lasting relationships with an internet stranger or strangers, but, before I knew it, I was added these women to my Facebook account, and sending them mail back and forth. I met up with several of them from all along the East Coast, and they have become my friends.

There has been one lady that I have come to care about very much. She is the sweetest woman I have ever "met" and, although, I have never met her face to face, I consider her one of my best friends. She is so sweet, and has brightened my day up several times. She always sends me cards that seem to get delivered at the perfect time. She has sent me paintings of my beloved Boston Harbor, a golden snitch necklace, several cards, a wonderful golden snitch ornament and a notebook.

To you, it may seem silly that I was so overwhelmed by a notebook, but it was so perfect. If you are reading this, I am assuming you have read my other posts, and how I often complain about inspiration hitting me, and then losing it shortly after that. In a world with so many people in it, it is easy to feel small and unheard, but this gift showed that someone was listening to me. Not that I don't think other people don't listen, but it was just nice to see that someone picked out a single phrase in a post I had written and gave me a gift that helped me keep my inspiration in tact.

To you it is merely a small notebook to put my thoughts in, but to me, it is a sign that someone is there listening. In such a big place, it is easy to feel alone, but for that moment when I opened up that package, I knew that I was being heard and that I was not alone. There isn't a real way to truly thank someone for how they make you feel, and I am kind of at a loss of how to truly thank this incredible woman for all that she has done for me and all she has given to me. She has given me so much more than I could ever express with words.

 Just so you know I treasure your friendship so much, and I hope that one day our paths will cross and we are able to share some drinks and laughter together.

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